Wrist Healing With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

Wrist Healing With Cross Bay Physical Therapy
Wrist Healing With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy For Wrist Pain and Injury

Wrist pain may arise for a variety of reasons, some of which include wrist tendinitis, over-use, arthritis, or from a traumatic injury. In most cases, Physical Therapy provides a non-surgical and effective treatment method to significantly improve mobility and decrease pain. Through a combination of hands-on physical therapy, stretching, and exercising, tissue damage in the wrist incrementally heals and gets stronger.

The physical therapists at Cross Bay Physical Therapy have decades of experience treating wrist pain and wrist injuries and we guarantee that after you follow our customized Physical Therapy program, your wrist will show significant improvement.

There are a variety of exercises and stretches that we implement at our state of the art facility in Howard Beach, Queens. Remember to only perform these exercises after one of our physical therapists has demonstrated each exercise and it’s proper form.

  1. Wrist Extension and Wrist Flexion - Place your forearm either at the edge of a table or hanging off of an arm chair. Bend your wrist down until you feel a stretch and hold this position for 5 seconds. Then, slowly, bring your wrist back to the starting position, where the hand is in alignment with your forearm. Then, gently bring your wrist up until a stretch is felt. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the original starting position. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions and sets.
  2. Wrist Deviations - Again, resting your arm on a table or lounge chair with the hand hanging off, slowly turn your hand to one side. Then you should hold this position for 5 seconds. After, return the wrist back to the original starting position and gently turn your hand to the opposite side holding this position for another 5 seconds. Then, again, slowly return to the original position. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions and sets.
  3. Wrist Flexor Stretch - Gently resting your arm on the table with the hand hanging off, keep your elbow straight. Next, grab your injured hand with your other hand at the fingertips and slowly bend the wrist up until a stretch is felt. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the original starting position. You will also be shown the Wrist Extensor Stretch, where instead of bend the hand backwards, you will push the hand gently forwards and hold for 5 seconds.

Physical Therapy is an effective treatment method to heal complicated wrist pain and injuries and in some cases, has been proven to just as effective as surgery. The physical therapists at Cross Bay Physical Therapy have decades of experience healing wrist pain and injuries and we are confident that we will help you to recover and heal from wrist pain.

Schedule Your Evaluation

Call (718) 835-0084 and schedule your evaluation today!

By Benjamin Bieber