Howard Beach Physical Therapy For Arthritis

Howard Beach Physical Therapy For Arthritis
Howard Beach Physical Therapy For Arthritis

Relieve Arthritis Pain With Physical Therapy

Cross Bay Physical Therapy helps patients with arthritis get moving and sustain their mobility. Our physical therapists are licensed professionals with graduate degrees and clinical experience who understand the body’s ability to move and function in daily life. We provide hands on physical therapy to improve your mobility and restore the use of affected joints. We aim to increase your strength, which will support your joints and maintain your fitness.

One of the main focuses we have in physical therapy is also to make sure you have the ability to perform daily activities. We do this by creating and developing an individualized plan of exercises for your personally according to your lifestyle that will improve your strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. We will help you achieve optimal physical function teaching you about proper posture and body mechanics. We will show you how to use an assertive devices that you may need such as walkers and canes.

Different people with arthritis are recommended different treatment options and devices to help them. Some may need shoe inserts to relieve the stress placed on their lower extremities, some may need hot or cold therapy to ease their joint pain, and some may need braces or splints to support their joints. We will help you figure out what you need to relieve arthritis pain and improve your mobility each day.

The first step is to schedule an evaluation at our state of the art facility. A physical therapist will help you learn all of the exercises so that you can also practice them at home. Improvement is gradual but gradual improvement means the body’s gained strength will remain for a longer period of time.

Hands-On Physical Therapy

At some physical therapy centers, the physical therapists tell you what exercise to do and then walk away. Our physical therapists always keep a close and careful watch on you to make sure that you are performing every repetition of every exercise properly and so that you don’t injure yourself by performing an exercise or stretch incorrectly.

Make sure to have one of our physical therapists teach and observe you do each exercise before trying them at home to avoid injury. We look forward to helping you achieve the mobility that you desire. With arthritis, joints become stiff without use so the faster you get into physical therapy, the easier it will be to retain and maintain movement.

Call (718) 835-0084 and schedule your evaluation today.