Knee Treatment With Physical Therapy

Knee Treatment With Physical Therapy
Knee Treatment With Physical Therapy

Knee Treatment

After a knee injury, physical therapy is a crucial part of the recovery process. At Cross Bay Physical Therapy, we work closely with our patients creating an individualized treatment plan for each patient so that he or she can significantly decrease pain and improve mobility in the shortest period of time.

Knee Physical Therapy relies on a combination of strengthening exercises, stretching, and therapeutic modalities such as massage, ice, heat, and electrical stimulation of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Our Howard Beach physical therapists make sure that your knee gets stronger during your recovery process to protect it from further injury during everyday life.

Here are a few examples of exercises implemented at Cross Bay Physical to strengthen the knee.

  1. Straight Leg Lift - Lying on the ground, keep one leg straight and bend the other leg placing your feet on the floor. Tighten the knee and it’s surrounding muscles in your straight leg and slowly lift it until it is about a foot off of the floor. You will feel the muscles around the knee working to support your weight. Hold your leg at this position for 3-5 seconds and then slowly lower your leg to the floor. Repeat 10 times and then switch sides.
  2. Hamstring Curls - Standing straight while holding onto a chair in front of you for balance, plant your weight on your supporting leg. Then, lift the other foot bringing the heel toward your butt. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then slowly lower your leg. Repeat 10 times and switch sides.
  3. Wall Squat - A wall squat strengthens many of the leg and hip muscles at once. This is a great exercise for the entire leg and buttocks. You are probably familiar with this exercise. Stand with your head, back and hips against a wall. Place your feet about 2 feet from the wall and about a hips-width apart. Then slowly slide down the wall until your are in a near sitting position. Hold for 10 seconds and then slowly rise. Repeat.

These are only a few of the examples of exercises implemented at Howard Beach Physical Therapy to help the knee gain back it’s strength. We use many stretching exercises as well to keep the muscles loose allowing the knee to be used in daily life more easily as the knee recovers.

Schedule Your Evaluation Today!

Cross Bay Physical Therapy is located in Howard Beach, Queens. Call 718-835-0084 and schedule your evaluation today!

By Benjamin Bieber