Howard Beach Physical Therapy - Hip Pain

Howard Beach Physical Therapy - Hip Pain
Howard Beach Physical Therapy - Hip Pain

Physical Therapy For Hip Conditions

Physical Therapy improves and treats a wide range of hip disabilities. At Cross Bay Physical Therapy, our Howard Beach physical therapists focus on creating an individualized treatment plan that will not only alleviate much of your hip pain but also make the hip stronger and able to endure more rigorous activities.

Howard Beach Cross Bay Physical Therapy has been in practice for over 30 years because our patients are treated with the utmost care and are pushed to where they need to go to improve medical conditions. No one wants to live in pain and physical therapy is an effective method to treat hip pain and injuries.

The hip is the largest joint in the body and controls much of our body's movements while walking. At Physical Therapy, our therapists strengthen the hip’s surrounding muscles to make sure they don’t get overwhelmed by the hip’s weakness or disability. It is possible with this type of injury to begin to experience fatigue and pain in other areas surrounding the hip because they are now taking on more of the body’s weight. This is another reason to get physical therapy in order to make sure the surrounding muscles stay strong and do not get injured.

Hip arthritis, orthopedic injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, accident traumas, and fractures are all medical conditions that benefit from Physical Therapy. Our state of the art Howard Beach Physical Therapy facility helps people of all ages return to their normal lives without pain.

Hip Exercises

Here are a few exercises that help treat hip pain. Please only complete after instructed by your physical therapist.

  1. Hip Stretch
    1. Lift one knee toward your chest. You can do this lying down or standing up. Hold for 60 seconds. Change to the other leg. Another hip stretch is too lie down and crossvone leg over the other. Pull your straight leg toward your chest and you should feel a stretch in your hips. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with other leg.

2. Wall Sit

1. Sit up against a wall like you were sitting in a chair. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and repeat 3 times. This exercise strengthens the hip, butt, and leg muscles at the same time.

Schedule Your Evaluation Now!

Cross Bay Physical Therapy provides a patient-centered physical therapy program aimed at reducing hip pain and accelerating the hip’s recovery from moderate-to-severe hip conditions.

Cross Bay Physical Therapy is located in Howard Beach, Queens. Call 718-835-0084 and schedule your first evaluation now!

By Benjamin Bieber