Knee Physical Therapist

  • Howard Beach Physical Therapy - Knee Injury

    Howard Beach Physical Therapy - Knee Injury

    Physical Therapy is essential after a knee injury. It will help your rebuild muscle strength and guide the knee's recovery during the healing process. Our physical therapists at Cross Bay Physical Therapy create an individualized physical therapy program for you that will help you relieve pain and overcome any disability.

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  • Howard Beach Physical Therapy For A Knee Injury

    Howard Beach Physical Therapy For A Knee Injury

    A knee injury can take a daily toll on the body not only causing pain and disability but also weakening other surrounding muscles when they have to overcompensate for a weak knee. Physical Therapy is one of the most effective non-surgical treatments to heal a knee injury because with the guidance of a physical therapist, a person can both repair knee damage while strengthening a weak knee.

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  • Heal Your Knee Injury With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

    Heal Your Knee Injury With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

    Your knee currently hurts and you are looking for the best solution. Of course, you don’t want surgery and you probably don’t need it. Creating strong and flexible muscles is often the best way to keep your knees healthy and get rid of knee pain.

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  • Physical Therapy For ACL, MCL, and LCL Injuries

    Physical Therapy For ACL, MCL, and LCL Injuries

    People in their middle age often have small tears in their mcl, lcl, or acl. It may cause pain or not. Often, these tears are spotted during an MRI and a surgeon recommends knee surgery. This invasive and risky procedure leaves long-lasting symptoms. Physical therapy is a path to non-surgically treat a knee injury, which works and doesn't involve the invasive nature and risks of surgery.

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  • Recover From Knee Pain With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

    Recover From Knee Pain With Cross Bay Physical Therapy

    Knee pain is extremely common and most often occurs after a traumatic injury or a sudden increase in activity. Some people also randomly experience knee pain as they get older and this is often due to poor posture, weak muscles, or mis-alignment when walking. At Cross Bay Physical Therapy, our physical therapists figure out the cause of your knee pain and through a combination of strengthening, stretching, and hands-on physical therapy, treat your knee pain until it disappears.

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